Thursday, October 10, 2019

Subpoena Lois Lserner's records

Enough complaining. E-mails , opinions, and complaints don't work. This time the editorials, are about the IRS to the house oversight committee's request for Lois Lerner's e-mails. Of course everybody knows this is nonsense. Even the mainstream media felt compelled to give advice- try iron mountain they never throw anything away, the IRS is lying because there are always backups;  the timing is too remarkable to be an accident,  The IRS destroyed the evidence knowing there would be  big trouble if the truth came out. Remember her answer to every single question asked by the congressional committee:   "On the advice of my counsel I respectfully exercise my fifth amendment right and decline to answer that question." Odd that she should exercise her fifth amendment rights after preventing  who knows how many Americans  from exercising their first amendment rights to a degree that makes Watergate look like a minor event.

When it is clear that the American's rights are being violated the response of Americans and Congress and journalists and everyone else responds in one way: they get angry, point fingers,  complain, verbally and in writing.

When this administration arrested 'lone terrorists" some people complained, when  swat teams broke into peoples' houses there were complaints. There were many angry complaints, articles, videos and speeches about no fly lists, about pat downs at airports and about US citizens  imprisoned indefinitely without lawyers, or juries. The angry editorial tactic isn't working very well.  We lost our  civil rights, became a police state  Miranda rights disappeared, anybody can be labeled a terrorist without the right to know why, personal information and property can be taken people disappear and presidents have kill lists and are proud of it.

Most Americans don't want to live in that country. Schools being what they are, people are  a bit fuzzy about exactly what rights they are being denied, but they
know they deserve better than what this government is giving them, that they are entitled to be left alone, live in a free country where they can say what they want without getting arrested, wear crosses to school if their religion favors that and that  life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ---are not candidates for hope and change

 If I were were Lois Lerner, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder or an other democracy-loathing, communist and my goal was to remake this turn this country into fascist communist regime; if I trampled on Americans' legal rights and the only reaction was angry words  , I would pat myself on the back knowing that our tactics are working so well.  The Soviet method of changing social beliefs works well and I would use it, starting slow, testing the waters , pushed as far as I could go, waiting and then pushing a little more, and then more. Each time we did something to move people towards communism and saw them accepted it by doing nothing other than complain in angry editorials from groups whose credibility our mainstream media could dismiss as tea-baggers, and extremists, my comrades and I would plan something more extreme and celebrate: Nastrovya Tovarishch.

Let them vent. If it becomes a problem we can always use the NSA's records of a every telephone call, every e-mail  every credit card charge and more to blackmail people and keep them quiet.

Somebody in this country has to do more than complain. If Egyptians in Tahrir square were able to overthrow fascism twice, surely we can prevent this democracy from becoming a dictatorship.

The information congress needs exists and congress has the right and obligation to get it. Arguing about backups is pointless.  How about something completely different for once. What if The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, instead of complaining immediately subpoenaed the NSA records immediately.  If NSA has a record of former General Pertraus's e-mails and his mistresses credit card charges, copies of information on computers of journalists, telephone records of every American, they have records of Lois Lerner's e-mails.

There is no downside  here. Why not serve the subpoena on camera and post it on the internet if the media won't pick it up, There is always a remote chance it could work. If it doesn't Congress would the executive branches feet to the fire by demanding the White House  follow its own rules.  It's a tactic Saul Alinsky taught these socialist Americans in "Rules for Radicals" and it worked for them.

Lois Lerner a potential threat to this country should be subjected to the same scrutiny as Richard Nixon.

Federal Monopoly on Insane Management 7/4/p014

No private business, or organization is managed as poorly as federal government.  This is what causes annual deficits greater than a trillion dollars, $17.5Tr in debt, over $50Tr in unfunded liabilities, the anemic GDP, non-job market, high costs, and our bleak future. If federal government managed itself half as well as a dollar stores chain, the country would recover and prosper.

Ask a business why it exists; you’ll get an answer. The federal government can’t answer because of wide disagreement about the scope of its powers. Businesses don’t make a habit of making changes without evidence that they’ll work. In federal government, there is no such thing. Legislators pass laws, but an agency of bureaucrats accountable to no-one decides how to implement them. The result could be what legislation intended, or the opposite, or be so expensive it isn’t worth doing. Mechanisms to test effectiveness, provide ongoing reports, identify opportunities and implementing changes, provisions for pulling the plug, and backup plans appear to not exist.

No pizzeria going through bad times borrows money from the competition, uses it to give raises to overpaid workers, or research better pizza-making techniques, and then borrows more to pay the rent. The federal government sold debt to China and didn’t stop until the Chinese decided US bonds weren’t worth buying. The requested  2015 budget includes a 1% salary increase for federal workers ($1B) whose compensation is higher than their private sector counterparts.  At least a third of the requested 2015 discretionary budget of 1.16Tr ($39B) is for untested initiatives, (job training for disadvantaged, grants to community colleges, underwriting small business loans), new building requests, and IT systems. Congress could say no to these, but it can’t change funding for portions of legislated (mandated) programs without passing another law.

Why deliver pizza to a house a mile away when you can send it to pizza regulators in Washington who, after taking a slice or two, send what’s left to your state to schedule delivery if the customer deserves the pizza based on a long list of criteria.  That’s how federally mandated unemployment compensation works. Businesses footing the bill could pay people the way they pay severance.  Instead, companies pay federal taxes which are distributed to states that administer and enforce federal regulations.  This odd delivery system is often used in federal government. Large changes are usually not tested on a small scale and good ideas can become nightmares. The ACA, bailouts, stimulus programs and common core are a few examples that add up to tens of trillions. It’s not hard to wreck an economy if you do things this way.

You can balance the budget by eliminating or cutting departments, calling a moratorium on new initiatives, privatizing functions businesses can do (e.g. selling real estate, and job training), legislating a moratorium on mandatory government programs that are not essential (e.g. than food and shelter, medical), testing their impact and eliminating those with no impact. Streamlining processes and regulations that implement laws and testing to quantify  the impact (positive and negative) of regulations would eliminate many. Keeping more programs discretionary, implementing a process for changes in mandatory programs,  selling public land, drilling rights and mining rights, replacing the federal reserve with decentralized clearing houses, eliminating or reducing attempts to stabilize the economy through monetary policy, eliminating stimulus programs that give funds to specific businesses, cutting aid to enemies of the US and reducing all foreign aid. Legislating a flat tax for all people, businesses and organizations (nonprofit included) would reduce the IRS budget to a small fraction of what it is now.

Finding the money is the easy part. Getting commitment to run this country as well as a chain of dollar stores is not impossible but is difficult. The combined effort of elected representatives, a number of state governments, with wide organized grassroots support, could work. The commitment required, a big one; it means putting the goal of fixing this country above career, above leisure time, long hours, doing unpopular things that will anger people.  One filibuster, one legal  case, sporadic protests, will not do it. Talk will not do it. Coordinated relentless barrages of actions against the executive branch, bureaucrats or Washington insiders for corruption, for failure to represent, for illegal actions, and  a commitment to  continue regardless of apparent success could work.

Confress wakeup 7-13-14

President Obama is complaining about that "Do nothing Congress" again, this time
because Congress will not do anything to prevent illegals from giving him the 3.5 Million dollars needed to protect the US border. The MNM agree. Again not surprising. His hands are tied? If only they were.

There is an arm of the government charged with insuring that mandated funds go the intended. Plainly stated in the constitution, the power is intended precisely for times like these -- to prevent the executive branch from gaining executive power.

Congress has the power to:
   1) pass provide funds ONLY  for border control
   2) use their oversight function to insure these and other allocated monies are distributed as budgeted. This was intended to be a check on the power of the executive - to limit power a president can gain fro using all funds for whatever he wishes
   3) Repeal Bush legislation that provides preferential treatment to OTM illegals crossing the border
   4) To provide finds directly to states should the Federal Government should the Administration fail to implement mandated functions
These powers re not specific to immigration. They pertain to all laws. Think about how different the situation of this country would be of congress exercised it's mandated functions by auditing every agency either directly or through contracted groups outside government to insure that mandated functions are implemented and that agencies have not strayed beyond their mandated functions. In areas where agencies have strayed from mandated functions, their charter and scope could be restricted.  This had been done in the past,  is long overdue and has enormous implications for the deficit and debt in this country. For example:

   If congress found that programs intended to help poor did not accomplish these goals, such programs could be eliminated. The number of programs that could be eliminated is amazing and could include the majority of discretionary employment programs, welfare in its current form, headstart, aid to foreign countries, the Justice department and department of Indian affairs and Obamacare, the department of education, the department of treasury and the Fed, reallocating functions of the Fed that do not meet it's mandated purposes. This is just a tip of the iceberg.

  Imagine how much more effective congress would be by setting the agenda rather than waiting for problems to occur and then conducting lengthy hearings whose results are questionable and that appear more like theater than investigation.

 Nobody, no arm of government will demand that congress do its job. As this function has been used only on occasion, there would be resistance. American citizens and their representatives cannot afford to base their actions on fear or entropy, if they want their country.

 Congress wake up. America needs you


President Obama is complaining about that "Do nothing Congress" again, this time
because Congress will not do anything to prevent illegals from giving him the 3.5 Million dollars needed to protect the US border. The MNM agree. Again not surprising. His hands are tied? If only they were.

There is an arm of the government charged with insuring that mandated funds go the intended. Plainly stated in the constitution, the power is intended precisely for times like these -- to prevent the executive branch from gaining executive power.

Congress has the power to:
   1) pass provide funds ONLY  for border control
   2) use their oversight function to insure these and other allocated monies are distributed as budgeted. This was intended to be a check on the power of the executive - to limit power a president can gain fro using all funds for whatever he wishes
   3) Repeal Bush legislation that provides preferential treatment to OTM illegals crossing the border
   4) To provide finds directly to states should the Federal Government should the Administration fail to implement mandated functions
These powers re not specific to immigration. They pertain to all laws. Think about how different the situation of this country would be of congress exercised it's mandated functions by auditing every agency either directly or through contracted groups outside government to insure that mandated functions are implemented and that agencies have not strayed beyond their mandated functions. In areas where agencies have strayed from mandated functions, their charter and scope could be restricted.  This had been done in the past,  is long overdue and has enormous implications for the deficit and debt in this country. For example:

   If congress found that programs intended to help poor did not accomplish these goals, such programs could be eliminated. The number of programs that could be eliminated is amazing and could include the majority of discretionary employment programs, welfare in its current form, headstart, aid to foreign countries, the Justice department and department of Indian affairs and Obamacare, the department of education, the department of treasury and the Fed, reallocating functions of the Fed that do not meet it's mandated purposes. This is just a tip of the iceberg.

  Imagine how much more effective congress would be by setting the agenda rather than waiting for problems to occur and then conducting lengthy hearings whose results are questionable and that appear more like theater than investigation.

 Nobody, no arm of government will demand that congress do its job. As this function has been used only on occasion, there would be resistance. American citizens and their representatives cannot afford to base their actions on fear or entropy, if they want their country.

 Congress wake up. America needs you!


As you probably noticed the United States is in trouble and the only people who can fix it are us-- Americans. I am not saying this for effect, to get people to listen to this or that party, read my blog, vote, join this or that resistance movement. I am saying it ad nauseum, constantly, because it's true and it's the only hope this country has.

Face it.